
Safety Mattress Topper – Patented Geometry


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Descripción del producto

The Safety Mattress Topper was developed in response to a need to protect the elderly from falling from or getting out of bed unassisted, causing personal injury. It’s also useful for children transitioning from a crib to a single bed.

Easily placed on top of any single-sized mattress, the Safety Mattress Topper owes its incredible safety to its unique patented design.

Employing the highest-quality semi-rigid foam construction, the Safety Mattress Topper gently cradles the sleeper and provides caregivers and family members with peace of mind that their loved-one will sleep safe.

  • The Safety Mattress Topper is designed to allow the caregiver to easily assist their resident in- and out-of-bed, while gently keeping them in place throughout their rest.
  • Easy to clean: The Safety Mattress Topper is easily-washable with soap and water, maintaining a safe and sanitary sleeping surface.
  • Low profile: easily dressed with a standard deep-fitted sheet, the Safety Mattress Topper sits atop a standard twin-sized mattress, allowing a deep-fitted sheet to cover both it and the mattress below.
  • Allowed by federal and state laws: Unlike confining and potentially-dangerous metal bed-rails, the Safety Mattress Topper has been allowed by the State of Wisconsin’s Department of Health Services as a safe and secure method of comfortably securing the patient in bed.
  • Peace-of-mind: with comfort and security, the Safety Mattress Topper allows family and caregiver alike to be assured their loved-one sleeps in restful peace.

Material Specs:

  • Base is made from memory foam
  • Side rails are made from rigid expanded foam.
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